However, among many of us, life drastically shifts us from passionate individuals to persuasive personalities through some odd experiences with love. For instance,  -loss of a loved one,  -a betrayal of the most trusted member of the family or close circle, -a sudden awareness, – Or merely just out of curiosity to know what actually this life is all about?  Despite, all such occurrences we standstill with the help of none. And will be ready to question love with endless why’s, what’s, how’s, etc.,  Out of purely and passionately curious about life, I wonder about love, connections, and attachments with each individual. And lose myself in the endless philosophical questions about love. So, I have taken some quality time and written some thought-provoking questions about love. If you are a deep person like me, perhaps our thoughts intersect and hope to find each other in these philosophical questions about love Feel free to add your thoughts and opinions in the comment sections:

Philosophical Questions about love:

  1. Why does love kill us and at the same time make us feel alive?
  2. Why there is pleasure in waiting for the perfect kind of love?
  3. Is it possible not to fall in love for a lifetime?
  4. How love is different from life?
  5. Who loves more, a woman or a man?
  6. How many times do we fall in love?
  7. Does love come first or does trust come first?
  8. How do you measure love?
  9. Why do we love someone more after they left?
  10. Does true love exist?
  11. Why do we love?
  12. What is the right age to fall in love?
  13. What if there is no such thing as love?
  14. Does love happen only once in a lifetime?
  15. Is there anything beyond love?
  16. Why do people love each other?
  17. What makes people fall in love?
  18. Why a person falls in love only with a specific person but not with others?
  19. Who loves me more in my life?
  20. Can a person fall in love with everyone he or she meets?
  21. What is the top trait in a person that makes us fall in love with him or her?
  22. Can we not live without love?
  23. How can people have s#x without loving each other?
  24. Does love stay forever without having s#x?
  25. Is love at first sight really work?
  26. Why do some people love so deeply and others not?
  27. Why does love hurt?
  28. What is the proof that I love myself?
  29. What kind of love is called true love?
  30. Who is the greatest lover of this earth?

Profound philosophical love questions that make you think deep and feel touched.

Indeed, love is the strongest emotion and the most subjective feeling that ever exists.  Metaphorically speaking – one who explores the depths of its beginning will be surely touched by the heavens and the heavenly bodies.  However, such a meeting of true love happens profoundly rare. Because all that is true is rare and difficult. And that is unfortunately true. That said, at least let’s explore some of the finest philosophical questions about love that make you think deeply hard. Here is the list of philosophical love questions, write down your favorite love question in the comment section and feel free to express yourself if you know the answers to any of them.

  1. If love didn’t exist what would people talk about otherwise?
  2. Why you should not deny the existence of love’s sadness?
  3. Where are we today with this question of love?
  4. If love can have a creative dimension, what could it be?
  5. What perspective does love create in this existence?
  6. If you are true to yourself, why do you need to love others?
  7. What goes against the very definition of love?
  8. What is the ultimate destination in the adventure of the purest love?
  9. Why there is a risk involved in every great love that historically ever witnessed?
  10. What is the serious threat to love?
  11. Does love consider an individual or together?
  12. Why and how does the philosophy of love linked to every event of life?
  13. Why do we still defend and believe in love even if someone betrays and abandon us?
  14. Why love can be perceived as a danger?
  15. Do we need to be wary of love even if we found the right people in life? 500+ Thought-provoking questions that make you think deep

Philosophical Questions about relationships

Falling in love is the insanity of the soul. Anyone who is ever fallen in love realizes that it’s one of the most intense experiences in their life. Though like every other part of life. Relationships do have their ups and downs. Knowing, loving and unloving, and reloving is a continuous journey. Continue reading some more, deep questions to ask to understand anyone. Let’s see a list of deep philosophical questions about relationships. If you are interested here are 200+ more questions for couples that make you think and build deeper relationships.

  1. In a relationship why do we attract a person who has the ability to evoke a sense of pleasure in us?
  2. Do we fall in love just with the idea of how he or she makes us feel than the human being itself?
  3. Are relationships all about passion, pleasure, eroticism, and selfishness?
  4. Why do relationships face an existential crisis?
  5. Why in the world should we pursue something that can change from affection to hate at the flip of a switch?
  6. Is it true love or a curse to be in a relationship with someone who is never going to be yours?
  7. What is unhealthy attachment and suffering in a relationship?
  8. Why there is only one person in the relationship suffers more than the other?
  9. How many times does the experience of true love go together with deep desire and the pain followed by it?
  10. Do people in a relationship own each other?
  11. When two people are deeply in love with each other why do they feel that they want nothing more in their lives?
  12. Why do often suffer from fear of separation in a good relationship?
  13. Does love come from a deep desire of being possessed?
  14. Is there a way to make two people sustainable in the relationship?
  15. What is to be experienced in true love?
  16. How can two people become one in a relationship?
  17. Why do people seek relationships from a place of lack and hope that their partner will fill up their emptiness and make them whole? 250+ questions to ask a guy to know him better. 250+ questions to ask a girl to spark a connection and know her deeper.

Lets’ discuss Philosophical questions about love with answers:

Love is the most fancied term in the philosophy of life. Each one of us has a varied understanding of it.  However, the main subject of love is always questionable. I have taken some time to feel my emotions and put the comprehensive philosophical answers to the deep philosophical questions about love.  They might make you think, but hopefully, provide great insights of inspiration.  Add more deep philosophical questions about love if you have any. I will answer with my honest feelings.

Questions and answers about love with deep philosophical insights.

1. What is love?

“Love is an exchange of mutual connection and embracing each other’s vast differences.” – Naveen Bommakanti.

2. What is the purpose of love?

“The Idea of love is to experience the true side of life.” – Naveen Bommakanti.

3. What is unconditional love?

“Love is only for those who know the essence of life. Those who experience the true side of life express unconditional love.” -Naveen Bommakanti.

4. Why love fails?

“Love fades when ignorance shines.” – Naveen Bommakanti.

5. What is more powerful than love?

“If there is anything beyond love, then it is only darkness which is called death. Because there is no life after love.” – Naveen Bommakanti.

6. Why love hurts?

“We are facing the love, not a life.” That’s why love is painful. However, “As long as we connect to anything, everything hurts.” – Naveen Bommakanti.

7. Why do we need love?

“Love is the reason that we move forward.” Therefore, as much as we need air to breathe, love is equally needed for physical, psychological, and spiritual existence.” – Naveen Bommakanti.

8. What does love mean to you?

When I say ‘Love’ – everything else is included in it. There is no certain limit, love means everything to me. In short, passion is the perfect word to describe my kind of love. To go further, Personally for me, “To love is to exist.” – Naveen Bommakanti.

9. How to get over someone you love?

“The best possible way to deal with heartbreak is not to move on but to move in.” Remember, “Whatever breaks us, makes us stronger.” So, raise and shine. However, the truth is, we never forget entirely the ones whom we love. We learn to go through the pain. With time as well as our thoughts we begin to shut down our feelings. Therefore, be positive. The better our thoughts, the less time it takes to become ourselves.

10. Why is it so hard to move on from love?

Life is a tragedy. It is not easy to let go of someone we love. It is too difficult to let go of the pieces of the past. We are too weak to flush the memories of the most loving moments of our lives. We are weak because weakness represents strength. We are weak because we are beloved humans. And we are weak as we tasted most of life’s naked truths. Therefore, it is hard to get over someone we love deeply. Still, we are breathing in the bit of hope to experience the clear rays of love as a whole, instead of phases. If you come across your dark past in the near future, perhaps you tend to be still as if you have no feelings left to weave the present. You will be in deep sorrow, even if your tears fail to express such intense suffering. In such moments, let it go, just forgive yourself, remain calm and remind yourself. It’s no one’s fault. We are our own choices trapped in our own responsibilities, traveling as lonely strangers on the path of a very strange reality. Accept it and move on. Similar resources:  Deep philosophical questions and answers about life.  Questions that make you think 200+ Deep intellectual questions to ask We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.