Or maybe they’ve been around for decades. Whichever the case, you’re smitten and eager to convey your emotions to this person. So why not send them a cute thinking of you poem? Not a poet? Don’t worry. That’s where we come in. We’ve collected some unique thinking of you poems for her, him, or they. Use as is (and give credit to the poet) or tweak them to your situation.
How to Use a Thinking of You Poem
There’s an art to dating, and knowing when to emote and when to hold back is all part of the craft. Which raises the question: When should you send a thinking-of-you poem?
After Several Weeks of Dating: The first date went well. You’re excited. But don’t mess it up by coming on too strong, too soon. Randomly (If in Long-Term Relationship): Long-term relationships have a way of breeding complacency. Put a spark back into the partnership with a sweet, random, thinking-of-you poem.Before an Important Event: Does your partner have a big meeting or presentation? Encourage them by sending a thoughtful poem on the morning of the event.When You’re Apart: People get lonely and nervous when their partner is away. Let your honey know you’re thinking of them with a short poem.
How can you send thinking-of-you poems?
In a card (snail mail it to add an old-fashion touch)In an emailIn a textLeave a voicemailSend a singing telegram
13 Thinking of You Poems To Share With Your Love
We’ve discussed what to do and what not to do.
1. When I Think of You by Catherine Pulsifer
When I think of you,I recall the laughter we sharedThe troubles we airedThe joy and the tearsThe expressions of fear.The good times we’ve hadThe times we’ve been mad.But through it allI smile when I recallThe talks of life we have hadThe times when we’ve been sadBut you are always thereEven when I acted like a bearSo when I think of youI know I can count on you that’s trueI count my blessings that you, I can dependYou will always be a good true friend.
2. A Stranger by Lang Leav
There is a love I reminisce,Like a seedI’ve never sown.Or lips that im yet to kiss,and eyesnot met my own.Hands that wrap around my wrists,and armsthat feel like home.I wonder how it is I miss,these thingsI’ve never known.
3. A Memory by Lola Ridge
I rememberThe crackle of the palm treesOver the mooned white roofs of the town…The shining town…And the tender fumbling of the surfOn the sulphur-yellow beachesAs we sat…a little apart…in the close-pressing night.The moon hung above us like a golden mango,And the moist air clung to our faces,Warm and fragrant as the open mouth of a childAnd we watched the out-flung seaRolling to the purple edge of the world,Yet ever back upon itself…As we…Inadequate night…And mooned white memoryOf a tropic sea…How softly it comes upLike an ungathered lily.
4. You’re Always on My Mind by Alyssa Long
I find that you’re on my mind,more often than any other thought.Sometimes I bring you there purposely,to console me, or warm me, or just to make my day a little brighter.So often, you surprise me though,and find your own way into my thoughts.There are times,when I awaken and realize what a tender part of my dreams you have been.And all through the day,when a peaceful moment seems to come my way,and my imagination is free to run,it takes me running into your arms,and allows me to linger there,knowing there’s nothing I’d rather do.I know that my thoughts are only reflecting the loving hopes of my heart,because whenever they wander,they always take me to you.
5. Longing by Sara Teasdale
I am not sorry for my soulThat it must go unsatisfied,For it can live a thousand times,Eternity is deep and wide.I am not sorry for my soul,But oh, my body that must goBack to a little drift of dustWithout the joy it longed to know.
6. I Miss You by Helen J. Radford
You live in my heart.Thoughts of you consume my mind.I miss all you are.
7. Can’t Stop Thinking About You by Tyler Knott Gregson
I wish I could somehow help you understand that every thoughtI think is about you. I am saturated in your silhouette.
8. I Want You Beside Me by Shiloh
Sacred kissFrom your glistening lipsI’ll never all awayFrom the gift of usI want you beside meFor the rest of this
9. Just Thinking of You by James Douglas Morrison
Watching whitecaps roll into the ocean of blue.With a smile on my face just thinking of you.The sweet memories, the tender moments we’ve shared.They caress me like the soft breeze that fills the air.The loving feeling I get when I hold your hand.The summer night when we walked in the sand.Waves splashing on the rocks along the shoreline.Brings tears to my eyes knowing that your mine.Sharing a love like ours my happy heart sighs.Watching the violet clouds carelessly floating by.
10. Every Time When I Think of You by lil Island Gal
WhenEvery time I think of you, my body shakesEvery time I see you, my knees grow weak andEvery time I’m with you, I don’t want the time to end.WhenEvery time I look into your eyes, I wish I was thereEvery time I see you smile, my heart melts andEvery night before I go to sleep, I pray we don’t end.I’ve tried somehow to say:You’re the sun that lights up my skyThe wind that keeps me cool on a hot summer dayAnd sweet incense that keeps me on a natural highI want so much to tell you:That without you with me each day, my day isn’t completeThat since day one, I’ve always wanted to be with youThat no matter what’s going on in my lifeYou’re the reason there’s a smile on my faceAnd that loving you seems to be all I need to know.But every time I want toThe words just won’t come outTo you, it may sound mushy or too cuteYou may not believe it, so it’s better I keep my mouth closedThen to try to tell you exactly what’s on my mindYet I wish to tell you that I’m beginning toLove you more with each passing of the dayAnd that I want to be with youCome whatever may. Remember How Much You Deserve With These 11 Moving Self-Love Poems 31 Thoughtful And Sweet Long Messages For Her 85 Sweet, Funny, And Romantic Love Memes For The Woman You Love
11. To Know by Lang Leav
To know that I miss you so much when you leave; to know that I need you like the air that I breathe. To know that I want you with a passion so blind, is to know that I love you — with no doubt in my mind
12. That Person Who Is Always on Your Mind by Ms. Moem
Thingscomeand go.Somepeopledotoo.Circumstanceschangebutmythoughtsstaywithyou.
13. Remembering by Taliah
You were on my mind when I woke up this morning.Remembering your smileI guess the next time I’ll see your faceMight take a little while.I was remembering your arms around meThe way they always felt warmAnd having you right by my sideI completely felt no harm.I was remembering your voiceIt makes my heart skip a beatbut without you my lovemy body feels so weak.I was remembering our timesall the good and badthe funny times you cheered me upand especially the sad.I was remembering your eyeshow they always meet mineremembering all the things you doto make my life worthwhile.I was wondering when we’ll be togetherwhen it will be just us twoI guess I’m just missing youmore than I usually do. Sending thinking about you poems to people you’re dating or full-fledged significant others is thoughtful.