Relax. You’re in safe hands, and we get it; we grok what you’re going through. You love the lady in your life and want to let her know! But there’s a slight problem: you’re not exactly the second coming of Pablo Neruda! Alas, that’s where we slide in and save the day with these romantic paragraphs for your girlfriend that may bring tears of joy to her beautiful eyes. Copy them! Tweak them and text them! Make them your own!

37 Love Paragraphs For Her To Make Her Cry

We gathered our gang of love experts, and everyone came armed with options. But in the end, we withered it down to these loving romantic paragraphs for her.

I Love You Paragraphs for Her

  1. As you know, I wasn’t exactly a paragon of commitment in the past. But then you came along, and I finally understood why a guy like me would want to settle down with a gal like you. I love you with all that I am, babe.
  2. You light up my life! Everything is better now that you’re in my life. The flowers smell fresher, and the dark cloud that once served as my constant companion has moved on to more negative pastures. I love you. Thank you for brightening my world.
  3. Maybe it’s true. Maybe nothing lasts forever. Yet I can’t help but feel that what we have is otherworldly, divinely destined, and eternal. I know I will love you forever — until the end of time and beyond.
  4. I’m still shocked at the speed with which we fell in love. But I know in my heart that it’s right and not a passing lust. You, my dear, are the real deal. It’s true what they say about soulmates. There is someone for everyone — and you’re definitely the lady for me.
  5. Maybe I didn’t realize it then, but meeting you was the best day of my life. Since that afternoon, everything has gone from strength to strength, and I love the life we’re building. You are a gem, and I love you, sweetie.
  6. ”Love,” they’ve always said, “is a many-splendored thing.” I know what that means now because you’re in my life. It took me a little longer than some others to find the love that brightened and rocked my world, but I’m glad I waited for you!
  7. I said it last night, but I’m making it official and putting it in writing. Are you ready, lady!? Brace yourself. Here it comes: I love you. I do. I cannot help it. You are the lady for me. This is my equivalent of shouting it from the rooftops.
  8. I keep trying to think of poetic, non-cringe ways to let you know how I feel about you. Are you happy? You’ve transformed me into one of those sappy, corny dudes we poke fun at! But instead of embarrassing myself, I’ll stick to the old classic: “I love you, darling.”
  9. You’re so beautiful, thoughtful, and smart. To me, you’re a perfect angel — even when you’re less than ideal. I love every part of you, faults and fabulous points alike.
  10. I don’t always say it, but I always mean it: I love you, honey. You’re my rock, stars, oxygen, sun, and moon. All good things in my life are derived from you, and I’ll always do everything in my power to keep you safe and happy.

Sweet Paragraphs for Her

  1. I know we haven’t been seeing each other for a long time, but I’m excited about where it’s headed — and I hope you are, too! I’ve had a blast the past few weeks. Thanks for the great times, huge laughs, and stomach butterflies!
  2. I’m afraid to send you messages because I don’t want to say something stupid or wrong and never hear from you again. So I’ll keep it simple and impart two sentiments: 1) I’m having a great time hanging out with you, and 2) I don’t want it to end anytime soon!
  3. Guess what? The jury is in. My friends love you just as much as I do. And let me be clear: that’s a whole lot! You’re the best, and every day is better than the next when you’re around.
  4. I never thought a blind date could turn out so well! I was hopeful the second I laid eyes on you, and I knew luck was on my side when you agreed to a second date. I’m looking forward to seeing you tonight. [Insert date details.]
  5. Can we just blow everyone off tonight? I’d much rather spend the night snuggled down with you than dressed up with them. Do you know why? Because you’re more interesting, intelligent, beautiful, and funny than all of them combined.
  6. I know you’re not a mushy woman. You’d much rather have a good beer and well-cooked ribs than a bunch of roses and frilly confections. And that’s why I love you, babe. You’re the perfect cowgirl for me.
  7. I know I’m supposed to wait three days to contact you — so as not to seem eager. But I don’t want to! Our date was the best I’ve had in a very long time, and I hope we can plan another one soon. Would it be too forward to say “very soon”?
  8. I don’t know what I did to get so lucky, but it must have been something extraordinary if God saw fit to send me a lady like you. The past several months have been incredible. I’ve fallen deeply in love with you and cannot wait to see what our future holds!
  9. I wish I were a poet that could weave together gorgeous words that instantaneously elicited tears of joy. But alas, I’m not a wordsmith or genius. Instead, I’m just a boy who’s smitten with a beautiful, amazing person: you.
  10. Even after all this time, you still make me nervous and tongue-tied and goofy. Thank you for allowing me to share your life. It’s been incredible so far, and I cannot wait to see what the future holds. 105 Beautiful Good Morning Messages For Him or Her 33 Romantic Love Notes and Texts for Her 115 Of The Best Love Messages For Your Wife 37 Love Paragraphs To Make Her Tear Up

Cute Paragraphs for Her

  1. Roses are red, violets are blue, and I’m a lovestruck puppy because of you. I’m so glad we decided to make it official. Let’s soar together. I’m looking forward to the ride.
  2. I just wanted to make sure that at some point during this no-good, dreary, horrible day, someone took the time to let you know that despite it all, you’re 100%, absolutely, positively the best.
  3. I miss you and can’t wait to be back in your comforting arms. If it’s OK with you, I hope to occupy them for 24 hours straight without interruptions. So if you could clear your calendar, my mind and body would appreciate it.
  4. I don’t know if it was love at first sight, but when I saw you, I knew I needed to learn more. And my instincts were right! Because the more I get to know you, the more I’m falling for you.
  5. I can’t wipe this smile off my face because I can’t stop thinking about you! Everyone at work thinks aliens have replaced me. The world’s biggest grump has turned into a smitten kitten in a matter of weeks — thanks to your love!
  6. Some people say you can manifest what you want through visualization. I used to turn up my nose at the idea. But since you walked into my life, I’m a believer! You’re everything I always dreamed of in a partner! So now, this skeptic believes in magic.
  7. Welp, I’ve discovered yet another thing I’m no good at – keeping you out of my head. I’ve tried all day long to no avail. Your sweet face is etched on the brain. Plus, I’m completely awed by your intelligence. So, do you want to make my day and agree to meet me for drinks after work?
  8. You’re my best friend and lover, psychologist and consiglieri, medical advisor, and nutritionist. Honestly, I have no idea how I survived without you before! You’ve become my everything, and I love every minute of our time together!
  9. I’m not one for poetry, and I wasn’t blessed with an instinct for romance. In fact, I found this very paragraph you’re reading right now on a website that helps hopeless guys like me. It’s not because I’m lazy. Instead, I want to make sure I get it right when I say that I’m falling hard for you.
  10. You are my heaven-sent match. When I would dream about the perfect person for me, you were it.

Long Paragraphs for Her To Cut and Paste

  1. “Mon petit chou” is a common term of affection in France — and it means “my little cabbage.” Think of that: all those fancy people in France go around affectionately calling each other vegetables. Anyway, since you love trivia, I thought you’d get a kick out of that fun little fact, mon petit radish! Or do you prefer carrot?
  2. We’ve come a long way and weathered the starts and stops. We’ve grown independently and together. And now, you and I are an unstoppable team that’s about to take the world by storm. Side by side, we can accomplish anything to which we set our minds. And for the record, I don’t care what anyone else has to say about you or us. From now on, it’s your opinion that matters to me.
  3. Finding each other again after all these years has been a miracle. I’m lucky you gave me another shot, and I thank you for your generous spirit, capacity for forgiveness, and willingness to see me as the man I have become and not the man I was. You’re stunning — on the inside and out — and I’m proud to be your lover and best friend.
  4. Let’s face it: you and I are no longer spring chickens. Youth left us long ago. But my love for you is still fresh and intense. I love you with everything I have and everything I am. We were lucky to find each other as mature adults who’ve already left our shadow days behind. Now live every day in the light, together.
  5. You’ve set me ablaze — in a good way! Just when I think I understand my love for you, you’ll do a small and amazing thing that makes me realize my passion for you is a bottomless well. You make me laugh, think, and try my best. You mean the world to me, and I’m beyond excited to walk through this life with you.
  6. You make me want to be a better man. Because of you, I want to read books and learn new things. I want to stay healthy and make responsible choices to ensure our future. In you, I found my one — my liege partner. Thank you for being exactly who you are and allowing me into your life. Together, we can achieve everything and more.
  7. It’s fair to call our story a fairy tale. Sure, I may not be a bona fide prince, and lord knows I’ll likely never own a castle, but in my eyes, you’re a queen. You’re beautiful and smart, kind and generous, interesting and patient. Every day, I’m gobsmacked that you want to be with me. But I won’t question it too much. I’ll accept my exceptional luck. After all, who am I to play with fate? Remember that effort is the most important thing. You may not be the best poet on the planet, but the fact that you want to compose love paragraphs for her already makes you one of the sweetest guys on Earth! But take our advice and don’t start posting long or short love paragraphs for her on social media for the world to see! Some things are still better left private.            

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