Instead of admitting defeat and succumbing to a boring routine, however, Luciani and his mother decided to seek solace and empowerment through a brand new creative element: photography. Around the same time that his mother came to live with him, Luciani had bought his first camera and was looking for inspiration for his first shot at photography. He found that in the way his mother’s playful spirit and attitude prevailed through her age-based challenges. Luciani began asking his mother to recreate scenes from books or act our images from pictures and paintings. This achieved several things for both of them. Firstly, it let them loosen up, be silly, and have some fun together. It also let Luciani start practicing with his new camera as he snapped photos of his mom striking poses, while simultaneously experimenting with editing and Photoshopping techniques.

The Strange Ones, That’s How Luciani Named His Photography Collection

The funny photographs turned into something bigger, however, when Luciani began to realize the sense of happiness and fulfillment his mother got from participating in his photography. She began to have new ideas for funny poses and that inspired him to create new, rather unique photoshoot concepts for her. Luciani began working with his mother to photograph her doing funny or strange thins that typical old ladies wouldn’t normally be seen doing, like crawling out of a painting or pretending to be a house lamp. As they worked, however, Luciani’s mother began recalling memories in a way that she wasn’t always able to do daily. He let the focus of the photos shift occasionally to recollecting her history, creating beautifully meaningful images of his mother gazing at younger versions of herself or sharing a meal and a glass of wine with her own shadow.

The Emotional Reality

Eventually, Luciani decided to compile a series of his mother’s photos into a collection entitled The Strange Ones. He intended the series to portray his mother in a playful, albeit slightly odd, manner in order to explore the relationship between aging and identity. Although the two have worked on a number of other photo collections together since, this particular series calls to attention how inspiring it can be when we value our loved ones through their struggles and listen to their unique stories, experiences, memories, and desires at every opportunity. If you’d like to see more of Tony Luciani’s work, including more work featuring his mother, take a look at his photography website. (All images © Tony Luciani)

Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 53Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 26Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 23Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 77Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 83Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 85Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 9Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 4Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 94Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 57Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 81Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 52Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 28Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 22Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 9Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 7Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 50Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 29Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 52Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 5Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 15Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 34Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 10Artist Tony Luciani and His Elderly Mother Explore Memory  Aging  and Playfulness Through Photography - 24