The first thing you must do after being rejected is understood why it happened. There are so many possible answers. You may have not been what he/she was looking for in a partner. He/she might be going through a hard time right now and doesn’t feel ready for anything serious right now. It could be that there were just too many other qualities that made him/her more compatible with another person than with you. This may seem unfair, but remember that if you can’t accept rejection from one person then it will happen over and over again as long as you keep searching for love. So remember these important things: It’s not easy. Most people feel that love is a choice, and that, if given enough time and energy, they can change any relationship. But it’s not always true – especially when a couple is together for a long time.  Recommended reading: How long does it take to get over someone you love? The reality is that most long-term relationships end for good reasons – there are fundamental differences between two partners that make staying together impossible. And it takes wisdom and maturity to figure out whether these differences are irreconcilable or whether some compromises can be made by both parties involved in order to continue being together as part of a bigger family unit.

7 Tips to stop thinking about someone who rejected you.

So here are 7 tips on how to stop thinking about someone who rejected you.

  1. Stop self doubting – If you live under one roof, get away from your partner even for a day or two. Go on holiday without them or spend at least one night apart. This way your head will start working clearly again because feeling detached does wonders to your mind!
  2. Start thinking rationally – Of course, all breakups are painful, but if you get stuck in negative thoughts, then it becomes really hard to move on afterward. All that matters then is trying to feel better about yourself by finding fault with your ex rather than finding ways to move forward after getting over him/her.
  3. Realize what went wrong – Even though rejection, hurts badly, at least recognizing what has happened was necessary so that moving on can become easier for both of you. As a final note, I’d like to say that breaking up with someone you love is never pleasant or easy. However, no matter how much we resist taking those difficult steps sometimes we have no other option but to do so. Otherwise, putting ourselves through unnecessary pain isn’t fair either. In my experience healing can take years – and accepting what went wrong needs guts since otherwise it’s often harder going ahead alone than going through an actual breakup. While such endings can prove highly frustrating, seeing them as positive opportunities which help us grow is also important.
  4. Don’t take it personally – get curious and try to gain awareness around what type of person puts others off. Remind yourself that most people fear intimacy because it always involves pain – either yours when you’re vulnerable and shared with someone, or theirs when their fears surface while opening up to someone new.
  5. Accept the rejection – To stop thinking about someone who rejected you, give yourself permission to mourn your loss briefly but then move on. Our egos, hate loss more than anything because it makes us small; therefore feeling ashamed of mourning makes our egos feel very threatened. We also find ways to punish ourselves for letting go of what we hoped would work out until it dawns on us that punishing ourselves isn’t stopping thoughts or grief; rather it fuels both even more strongly until finally there is nowhere left to run.
  6. Allow yourself to feel and use your pain on your goals – even desirable – to let someone go. Set limits on your grief and recognize that it takes as long as it takes, yet during that time remind yourself that you’re doing good work; you’re healing; you’re growing – and really, what’s more valuable than working towards becoming whole?
  7. Be optimistic something better is going to happen – Once we find someone we love, we naturally fear losing them. And once we lose them (or something precious), we naturally grieve for what we’ve lost. But learning to live with what others think of us is far more important than learning to get along with them or win their approval.  Acceptance and love are not things that can be gotten from another person, so if you think you need someone else’s acceptance or love in order to feel good about yourself, then you will always be disappointed and frustrated when those expectations aren’t met. So be hopeful about the future and think someone better is going to accept you for who you are and you will be loved as you deserve.

Final thoughts:

Remember that time is your most valuable asset. You can’t get it back. To avoid wasting precious time on a bad relationship, use these principles and guidelines to help you through a breakup. The more energy you spend fighting with your significant other, trying to convince them of your worth, or trying to make them change their mind about their decision, will only make things worse because nobody can ever know how another person thinks, feels or acts. Relationships are hard enough without having to constantly think about life after separation since relationships aren’t meant to replace your ex once he/she goes away. Be happy you were able to have a great love story even though it was over before you wished for it. This way, instead of getting stuck on wanting your ex back now that he/she has left, focus all your attention on becoming better than ever at managing love so that next time around maybe. If by chance someone new will come into your life then you’ll have learned enough from past mistakes so as not to repeat them again. And always remember when one door closes another door opens. Let go and let life handle everything else. Love doesn’t hurt; people hurting each other does. It is normal for us to want our loved ones back. But we need to understand we cannot control anyone except ourselves; we cannot force others to accept us (or) give us what we want and need; we cannot make others live according to our wishes and conditions. We cannot prevent others from hurting us or leaving us behind nor keep them tied down. So there isn’t any point in wasting our lives crying, whining, begging, or pleading for another chance because it won’t change things anyway. We don’t spam! Read our privacy policy for info.

Naveen’s expertise as a self-help and relationship Coach has been highlighted through his articles in medium and substack to name a few. To be updated with Naveen’s work, connect with him by following his social media accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.