Just imagine how many snickers and giggles these buildings inspired during the run of the festival. The Ruhtriennale architecture installation by Atelier Van Lieshout is titled, simply, “Domestikator”. It stands about 5 stories high above Ruhtriennale, and it features windows inset in various places throughout its height. It isn’t clear if guests can climb the full height of the building, but parts of it are accessible from the ground. Some official details from the exhibition: Note that “BarRectum” is actually a bar built inside of a model rectum. Complete with an anus opening on one side. I don’t know why I expected anything else. The Ruhtriennale festival opened this month and will continue into late September. At the end of the scheduled events, its likely that the Domestikator buildings will release their coital embrace.

Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 88Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 87Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 87Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 83Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 93Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 19Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 62Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 8Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 23Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 97Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 25Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 52Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 46Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 89Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 11Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 30Naughty Architecture  Banging Buildings Bump Uglies at German Arts Festival - 46